Fukushima and my health

Day 14.

I’ve been undergoing a cleanse for the last 12 days. Sugars, starches, gluten, dairy, alcohol – GONE. Let’s just say, it’s been, um, interesting.

Since day one I decided I would do an anti-candida diet. Why? Good question. Maybe because my wife did one a few years ago and I thought I could piggy-back off her experience. All I knew was that the awareness around my diet and nutrition was dissipating into the cupboards of chocolate and booze. Truth be told, I’m not that unhealthy. I exercise regularly, drink about 1-2 beers a night, have 2-4 slices of bread a day, and usually top out my evening with some good old SUGAR, sweet beautiful sugar.

So what does this have to do with Fukushima? Well surprisingly, I’ve noticed quite a few parallels since I began my cleanse. Here are just a few:

1) Fukushima happened years ago, yet is still affecting the health of the planet in ways we do not yet understand.

2) Everyone’s got an opinion.

3) It is nearly impossible to get reliable information.

For those of you with the time, interest, and enthusiasm, here are some links to either open your world a bit wider or lock you in the vault of despair. Some of these you may know right away. The more rational ones, I’ve noticed, seem to slip to the bottom of the pile.






Back to the candida cleanse – OK. So if I’m going to do this thing I just as well start informing myself. I’ve found books written by medical professionals, spent hours online studying countless websites, and spoken with numerous friends and acquaintances. The result? I still have no idea what I can and cannot eat.

Carrot juice is acceptable first thing in the morning – the fact that carrot juice tastes good should be warning enough.

Mushrooms are medicinal – mushrooms will kill you and your friends in your sleep.

Caffeine is ok – caffeine is a crutch, you are weak, WEAK!

A piece of fruit a day is perfectly fine – fruit is the red-headed step child of candida.

(For those of you with great advice about my diet, no matter how altruistic your intentions are, please respect that I…DON’T…CARE!)

The point of all this is, most of what we learn and rely on comes from sources outside of ourselves. If I am going to figure out what my body needs, I better start listening to it and stop relying on the internet to make my decisions for me.

Fukushima is a bit trickier. No doubt about it, this is a global catastrophe. Every news station, every mayor, every president in every country should be working on solving this problem. So why in the hell can’t the general public get accurate information? For now, that’s a rabbit hole I’m not prepared to go down today. Regardless, no matter how bad the situation is, there are still a few things we can do:

1) Gather as much information as we can from as many different sources as possible.

2) Analyze the information objectively.

3) Stay out of fear.

4) Make rational decisions based on the information we have gathered.

How many people do you know who are ready to move to South America or seal off the cracks in their homes with duct tape? Or better yet, how many people out there are clueless that this is even going on??

Though most of us do not have the time or the means to dedicate our lives to find out the answers, the least we can do is exercise the powers we do have. We have the power to:

1) Use the internet as a tool to spread awareness (without fear) for the purpose of bringing more people into alignment with possible solutions.

2) We can contact our local and state representatives and demand a transparent investigation. How is this situation affecting my local food and water sources?

3) Buy a Geiger counter and create your own outlet of information

4) It’s also not a bad idea to take preventative measures for your own health – seaweed/iodine, buckwheat, bentonite clay, zeolite supplements. Also, a break in Pacific seafood might be wise, though that is debatable.

I hope this perspective is helpful for people. I’m learning that our outer world is a reflection of what’s going on inside. If we want to see change we can agree with, we have to be willing to sacrifice the things that no longer serve us. We always have the potential to create heaven right here at home. But one thing is for certain – no one is going to do it for us.